As of May 20 2024, there are 16517 active caches placed around Massachusetts.

These are the active caches in Auburn, Massachusetts:

# GC Code   Cache Name
1 GC1FEF5  Auburn Ground Zero
2 GC1FQR3  GS2: Auburn Junction
3 GC1FQRX  GS3: Mukkers
4 GC2EB52  Dark Brook
5 GC2EB7M  Muggle City
6 GC2EBA0  Forrest
7 GC2EBAV  GS4: Ripton's Revenge
8 GC370CA  11, 11-11-11
9 GC39K1H  Ripton's Revenge 2: Double Trouble
10 GC3DEBK  Right in Plain Sight II
11 GC5N6K6  NUTs
12 GC606QC  Easy Cache for the EZ Pass
13 GC6FPWE  Auburn P&G
14 GC6T7AJ  Monster Island! (Don't worry... it's just a name.)
15 GC7BZ1V  Pappas Recreational Complex Pakachoag Nature Trail
16 GC9ZQ0A  Dead Boot Chute
17 GCA108B  Turtle crossings
18 GCA8RMZ  Mirage Island

This list was created and is maintained by twilighter. ©TwiLight Software, 2013-2024