As of May 20 2024, there are 16517 active caches placed around Massachusetts.

These are the active caches in Shirley, Massachusetts:

# GC Code   Cache Name
1 GC100V2  Robbs Hill Rugrats Cache
2 GC40Y84  Woods walk
3 GC5673T  Shirley You Can't Be Serious
4 GC56QPQ  And Stop Calling Me Shirley!
5 GC5779X  Looks like I picked the wrong week...glue
6 GC57FNM  Looks like I picked the wrong week...drinking
7 GC57FZJ  Give Me a Hamm on Five, Hold the Mayo
8 GC57G2G  Yes, Yes, I Remember, I Had Lasagna
9 GC5DTMT  WW Geocache Xchange: Grand Rapids to Boston
10 GC6C28E  Wicket's Walk
11 GC6F9Y1  Jackrabbit's Rockn' Wall
12 GC6F9Z6  Goose Falls
13 GC6QPZ5  Shirley's Library Cache
14 GC6QPZ7  The Hole in the Wall Cache
15 GC7WD72  Ol' Yeller (and also Orange)
16 GC8M4GD  Historic Shirley Center
17 GC98QWD  MFM 5: I can see Karen's penpal from here

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