Everyone's stats will be automatically updated about once a week. If you want to include your latest finds, just submit your latest My Finds file.
As of February 3 2025, there are 54406 active caches placed around New England.
These are the current top finders:
Other geocaching calculators by twilighter: | |
Top Finders of New Hampshire Geocaches | Plots all your finds across New Hampshire and lists where you rank among other top NH cachers. |
Top Finders of Massachusetts Geocaches | Plots all your finds across Massachusetts and lists where you rank among other top MA cachers. |
Top Finders of Rhode Island Geocaches | Plots all your finds across Rhode Island and lists where you rank among other top RI cachers. |
Top Finders of Vermont Geocaches | Plots all your finds across Vermont and lists where you rank among other top VT cachers. |
Top Finders of Maine Geocaches | Plots all your finds across Maine and lists where you rank among other top ME cachers. |
Top Finders of Connecticut Geocaches | Plots all your finds across Connecticut and lists where you rank among other top CT cachers. |
New Hampshire 234 Challenge Calculator | Shows all the New Hampshire towns where you've found caches -- a helpful tool for completing the New Hampshire 234 Challenge (GC36PAC). |
Massachusetts 351 Challenge Calculator | Shows all the Massachusetts towns where you've found caches -- a helpful tool for completing the Massachusetts 351 Challenge (GC48CR5). |
Rhode Island 39 Challenge Calculator | Shows all the Rhode Island towns where you've found caches -- a helpful tool for completing the 39 + 1 Challenge (GC30J32). |
Vermont 251+4 Challenge Calculator | Shows all the Vermont towns where you've found caches -- a helpful tool for completing the Vermont 251 Plus 4 Geocaching Club Challenge (GC1FAMD). |
Placed Date Calendar Challenge Calculator | Shows how many caches you've found that were placed on each day of the year -- a helpful tool for completing the Obscure Stats-Placed Date Calendar Challenge (GC31ZCF). |
New Hampshire DeLorme Challenge Calculator | Shows how many pages of the New Hampshire DeLorme Atlas you've found caches on -- a helpful tool for completing the New Hampshire DeLorme Challenge (GCZTTQ) and the NH DeLorme Challenge-Leave No Page Unturned (GCZTV1). |
Other geocaching lists by twilighter: | |
Town Challenges -- Wall of Fame | A list of cachers who have completed both the New Hampshire 234 and the Massachusetts 351, and those that have also completed the Rhode Island 39+1 or the Vermont 251+4. |