New Hampshire DeLorme Challenge Calculator

This calculator was created to verify all your finds for the New Hampshire DeLorme Challenge (GCZTTQ)
and the NH DeLorme Challenge - Leave No Page Unturned (GCZTV1).

To make things easier, this is a list of all qualifying caches for the Leave No Page Unturned challenge.

Select your My Finds Pocket Query file to display how many pages you have covered for the New Hampshire DeLorme Challenges.
The calculator accepts either .gpx files or zipped .gpx files. (.zip files get processed much faster)

Approximate processing time: (times may vary depending on the speed of your internet connection)
  500 finds   4 seconds for .gpx, 1 second for .zip
  1000 finds   7 seconds for .gpx, 2 seconds for .zip
  2000 finds   14 seconds for .gpx, 4 seconds for .zip

You can download your My Finds Pocket Query .gpx file from

If you have any questions or comments, please contact twilighter.

Want to see how all of your New Hampshire finds compare with other cachers?
View the Top Finders of New Hampshire Geocaches.

Other geocaching calculators by twilighter:
Top Finders of New Hampshire Geocaches Plots all your finds across New Hampshire and lists where you rank among other top NH cachers.
Top Finders of Massachusetts Geocaches Plots all your finds across Massachusetts and lists where you rank among other top MA cachers.
Top Finders of Rhode Island Geocaches Plots all your finds across Rhode Island and lists where you rank among other top RI cachers.
Top Finders of Vermont Geocaches Plots all your finds across Vermont and lists where you rank among other top VT cachers.
newTop Finders of Maine Geocaches Plots all your finds across Maine and lists where you rank among other top ME cachers.
newTop Finders of Connecticut Geocaches Plots all your finds across Connecticut and lists where you rank among other top CT cachers.
Top Finders of New England Geocaches Plots all your finds across the 6 New England states and lists where you rank among other top New England cachers.
New Hampshire 234 Challenge Calculator Shows all the New Hampshire towns where you've found caches -- a helpful tool for completing the New Hampshire 234 Challenge (GC36PAC).
Massachusetts 351 Challenge Calculator Shows all the Massachusetts towns where you've found caches -- a helpful tool for completing the Massachusetts 351 Challenge (GC48CR5).
Rhode Island 39 Challenge Calculator Shows all the Rhode Island towns where you've found caches -- a helpful tool for completing the 39 + 1 Challenge (GC30J32).
Vermont 251+4 Challenge Calculator Shows all the Vermont towns where you've found caches -- a helpful tool for completing the Vermont 251 Plus 4 Geocaching Club Challenge (GC1FAMD).
Placed Date Calendar Challenge Calculator Shows how many caches you've found that were placed on each day of the year -- a helpful tool for completing the Obscure Stats-Placed Date Calendar Challenge (GC31ZCF).
Other geocaching lists by twilighter:
Town Challenges -- Wall of Fame A list of cachers who have completed both the New Hampshire 234 and the Massachusetts 351, and those that have also completed the Rhode Island 39+1 or the Vermont 251+4.

This calculator was created and is maintained by twilighter. ©TwiLight Software, 2012-2024. All rights reserved. - - rev 2024.06.28-0750